Wednesday, 9 February 2011

How Much Will I Earn With Adsense?

So you wanna know how much your gonna earn huh?

Well that is a closely guarded secret and if I told you I would have to kill you. Well maybe not but to tell you the truth you can earn anything from $0 per day right up to thousands and thousands of $ per day. Earning money with Adsense is not really down to Adsense at all, it is down to the person who implements these Adsense ads onto their website. If your website has good content and gets a high volume of traffic then your chances are that you will earn a lot of money.

Your key is to learn where on your site Adsense ads generate the most clicks, which keywords you are using to direct traffic to your site, always make sure your keywords are the same as your websites page content that your traffic is being guided to. If your page is about camping and you direct traffic using high value keywords like "life insurance" then people are not going to stick around on your site for more than 2 seconds, thus resulting in no clicks and no revenue.

All in all the answer to how much will your earn is do a lot of research into website SEO marketing. The more your learn, the more you earn!

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